Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 305 assignment

This week is a week of blocking my new shot. I continue the theme of "Stewie on construction site".

In my next shot he is going to build a wall of bricks. I decided to do this type of shot, because it requires a lot of body mechanics.

Here it is... 

Wall of bricks blocking from Victor Ostapenkov on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Heavy bucket final... well almost final

Hello everyone this week is a final week for our first assignment in class 3.

Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to work on it. There are some things to fix there.

But here it is my almost final shot of bucket lift...

Heavy bucket final from Victor Ostapenkov on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 303 assignment

This week we had to do the blocking plus of animation that we chose the week before.

Here is my blocking+ pass:

Heavy bucket blocking+ from Victor Ostapenkov on Vimeo.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 302 assignment

Hey everyone class 3 started and I have a first assignment to do

First week as usual - week of blocking...

Ha I can't believe that this became usual for me... Just a couple of month ago I even didn't know this word... Animation Mentor is awesome...

As I said last week this shot is one of three that I'm gonna make this term and I plan to cut them together in a short movie.

Hope you like it!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Class 3 started!!

Class 3 is finally started!! 

This term we have a totally different approach in assignments. 
We won't have a assignment to pick (for example, walk up the stairs or heavy lift etc..), like we had in previous terms In class 3 we can choose a theme for an assignment and make any shot on this theme. 
And also we can choose to use this theme for the whole class or we can pick new theme every 3 weeks.

For this class I chose a theme "Stewie on a construction site" and I decided to do 3 shots with the same theme, so that in the end I'll be able to cut them together and make something like a short film.