Sunday, April 3, 2011


Right now I've decided to get familiar with Stu.

Stu is the first rig we get at AnimationMentor. It's a human like character without face - just arms, legs, body, and head.

Well I'd say it's one of the best rigs I've ever used. All controls are working just fine - they do what the got to do... And there is nothing unnecessary in the rig. I really liked working with it.

Well I tried to do some pose... Don't judge me hard - I'm a beginner, and it's my first atempt...


  1. Wow. I love this. The silhouette against your backdrop is cool. The prayer (?) pose here is pretty powerful. I like the arch of his back. Only thought I have is that his center of gravity is pretty far forward so he fells like is going to tip over onto his head. But that doesn't really account for muscle strength I guess.

    Anyway, great job! If you haven't had a chance, I'd love your thoughts on my first pose too. (I have it all up on

  2. Thank you for your comments...
